Friday, December 31, 2010

juliana da kawin???!!

dear lifeylife....

berdentum2 dengar fire works kat luar
esok da 2011
smlm br smpai jakarta setelah bercuti lama kt mlysia terchenta
barang still bersepah
meh la tolong kemaskan!

oh juliana dah kawin?
oh juliana?
betul ke ni?
perempuan bersuara nyaring tersebut da kawin?
betul ke?
ok da stop2
confirmed beliau da kawin ok!
beliau da matang!
walau suara still nyaring
tp beliau da matang!

xmenyesal amik cuti kali ni!
sbb juliana kawin!
walaupun akhirnye kene postponed pertunangan snirik
sbb no more cuti for me
tapi xpe!
sbb juliana kawin!

oh juliana!
please be happy dear...
coz we love u so much!
so so sooo much!
i cant even type a word bout the wed without feeling a pool of tears waiting to meleleh2 keluar
so xmo lah type

dear 2011
please be nice to me
bring me love and luck
and happiness and health
not to forget
please bring me Allah's blessing and barokah

.::. langit jakarta cerah dgn pancaran bunga api...

Friday, December 10, 2010

dear lifeylife....

oh seronoknye bercuti di rumah!
esok nak ke perak
ade family day atok md lajis(atok belah mak)

maleh nyee laa nak mengupdate buat masa ni
sindrom home malaise~

tc people!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

mixed feelings

dear lifeylife....

a nordsee's sushi box will do

a plate of tasteless rice eaten with kebab is okey

sweet fish and crispy chips with green beans will satisfy my need

my sweet tooth needs the sugar rush
oh just gimmi the waffle with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce

or a slice a baklava will make me a happy gal

then i realize how lonely i am

lonely and hungry....
might end up with gastritis tomorrow
during my oncall day
just simply perfect!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

of smiles and frowns..

dear lifeylife.....

putting my both hands into a patient's tummy during a laparotomy is sooooo cooolll
sooo soooo coool!
holding the slimy colon from the inside of tummy is cooler
and when my consultant asked me to hold the warm liver, i felt like i might pingsan with excitement
closing up the laparotomy on my own while my consultant did the colostomy is superfragilicious

feeling that the cancer has literally closed up the rectum and climbing up to the colon is bad
holding the warm liver but realize that the cancer has mestastasized from the rectum and now is eating up the liver is far worst
but closing up without doing nothing but the colostomy because the cancer has literally taking over the body and there's nothing we could do to stop it is devastating

sometimes, some things are just meant to be....

Monday, October 25, 2010

mahu hidup yg manis semanis kek-cawan

dear lifeylife....

semalam sepahit hempedu
malam yg berat menyiapkan case study yg aneh
smpai menitik2 air mata

pagi yg berat mmbawa mata yg membengkak ke ward sambil cuba menyorokkan mata dibalik spek... walau sebenarnya tak berjaya...

pagi bertambah berat bila patient kesayangan diberitakan meninggal jam 12 malam semalam
berat menyesak di dada sbb hari terakhir jumpe patient tersebut jumaat lepas, beliau masih tersenyum ceria despite having full thickness rectal prolapse and total uterine prolaps
lebih berat rasa masa oncall hari sabtu, i was too preoccupied dengan emergency operation acute appendicitis dr Eko SpB...

bertambah-tambah berat bile actually after op dengan dr Eko selesai, i sempat di suruh follow up patient dr Solya SpB yg berada di ward yang sama dengan my patient itu... but i was so busy with dr Solya's patient smpai i lupe bertegur sapa dengan ibu itu sedangkan itulah yg selalu i buat if masuk dat ward...

berat makin menyesak bila petients lain yang seward dengan ibu tersebut bercerita bagaimana ibu tersebut melalui malam yang berat dan menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir dan akhirnya apneu sendirian....
beliau xde saudara mara, anak juga xpunya, seminggu lepas dibawa ke polikinik bedah oleh pengurus pusat penjagaan org tua....
dan selama dia di ward, dia mmg sendirian, mengurus dirinya sendiri. sedih bukan?
sewaktu di poliklinik, i was the one yang check up beliau. beliau bercerita, hidup masa mudanya susah, kerja berat dan mungkin itu lah penyebabkan berlakunya prolapsus tersebut...
masih terngiang2 ditelinga, si ibu mngadu kat i, "saya mau ini dibuang sahaja, sudah ga tahan neng(cik)"

namun walau tampak berat badan kurus nya mmbawa usus yang hampir sepanjang 20 cm yang keluar dari anus nya dan semakin berat apabila rahim sebesar dua kepalan tangan bergantungan di celah kelangkangan beliau, namun muka tuanya tak pernah lepas dari senyuman. manis! ibu tersebut sungguh manis! semanis kek-cawan....
bahkan mungkin lebih!

ps: al-fatihah..... semoga ibu tetap manis dan bertambah-tambah manis di sana....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

15 Oct 2010

dear lifeylife....
yesterday... it was 15th of october once again
it was his day
who is that man???
he is....

my handbag carrier

my baby sitter

my gardener

my hot choc partner

my engineer

my gladiator

my mat bunge

my shoe destructor =,="
multi-tasking isnt he?
but thats not enuf
cuz most importantly

he showed me how to lead my life a little bit better...

Happy 24th Birthday Dear You....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

grey and pink!

dear lifeylife....
semenjak due menjak ni sngat tertarek ngan combination pink and grey lah!
membayangkan pink organza with grey lining!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

dear lifeylife....

malam ni incik khar fly balik ke germany!
selamat terbang wahai incik!!
jgn sedey2 okeh?
ckp kat ma kite u suh jgn sdey2 sngat
nnt kite jumpe lagi
xlama da kan?
and we have a very bigbigbig plan coming up on our next meeting aite?

see u again incik khar!
have a safe flight!!


Monday, September 27, 2010

communication skills....

dear lifeylife....

instead of simply say this:

bapak, saya khuatir urine retention yg bapak alami sekarang adalah disebabkan oleh benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) sebagai differential diagnosis drp urolithiasis sbb pada usia bapak, mmg sering terjadi BPH. jadi saya harus melakukan pemeriksaan rectal touche jd saya harap bapak dpt berikan kerjasama....

i have to say this:

bapak....**eerrr-ing for awhile sbb mencari ayat yg sesuai**
di dalam perut bawah bapak itu ada organ yang namanya prostat, sebesar ini(lalu cik dokter wat gaya tangan kira2 sebesar normal prostate), ditengah2 organ ini, dilalui oleh salur kencing pak. pada usia bapak, organ ini bisa membesar dan mengeras lalu menjepit salur kencing bapak. makanya bisa mnyebabkan bapak ga bisa kencing selain dari kemungkinan adanya batu buli(bladder). jadi saya harus melakukan pemeriksaan pada bapak untuk membuktikan bahawa masalah kencing bapak ini disebabkan oleh prostat yang membesar dan mengeras atau bukan.

karena organ itu di dalam**hela nafas panjang** jadi saya harus mencoba untuk merabanya dari dalam pak. caranya saya harus memasukkan tangan saya ke, maaf ya, lubang d*b*r bapak. tp bapak ga usah kawatir, ga sakit koq bapak. mungkin agak tidak nyaman tapi sebentar sahaja koq pak.... saya minta kerjasama bapak ya.......**hela nafas panjang lagi**

yes! bukan senang nak explain mende kat patients, esp mende yg agak sensitive mcm ni, lagi laaa kene hati2 mengexplain nye (=,=')

P/S: 2-3 hari lepas blogspot menggile ke ar? asal i xle bkak?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

14 sept 2010....

dear lifeylife...

aritu yg sibuk dok counting bagai tu sbb ni lah...
menjalani aktiviti merisik tanya...

sebentuk cincin, selembar sutera...
from him

kuih raya, fruits and cake...
from her

suke gambar ni walau sume muke macam org cacat!

both families got to know each other

hari ni dah mula kerja kt department surgery
oh best!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

3days to go!! am i ready???

dear lifeylife....
selamat hari raya(ke-2) semua!!
saya baru nak balik kampung ni
packing sahaja belum!

walau jauh dr family smlm was categorized as very nice
solat eid kat padang depan poliklinik rs marzoeki mahdi with the locals
balik g breakfast at Otha's rumah sewa, dijemput her land lord la kan takkan menjemput diri sdiri plak. menu: ketupat eaten with gulai kambing, semur sapi and gulai asam lidah(obviously takkan saye sentuh le kan.. huuhuu)>>> sedap!!

later beraya kt my rumah sewa plak. the land lord ajak makan lagi. menu: ketupat eaten with rendang daging, ayam sambal hijau, sambal kentang with hati and petai..>>> sedap!!! nyum3~
ade jugak itek goreng and ape ntah lagi, terlalu bnyak tak termakan semua...

abis makan2 pagi, ke icu utk bertugas.........
boring! tertdo-tdo berkerja dengan giat!!

ptg ke rumah petugas anestesi, pak Awan yg oncall with me and Otha. menu: ketupat eaten with opor ayam, rendang daging, and emping belinjau.>>>sedap!!!

next ke rumah konsulen yg baik hati, dr Eri SpAn! makan lagi! menu: ketupat with rendang daging, kuah rebung buluh dan macam2 jenis lauk yg sedap smpai tak larat da nak makan!>>sedap sedap seeedaappp!!

walau jaauuuuhh dr keluarga, still gumbira and kenyang!

flight pkul 745mlm jap ag!
now still di bogor
packing start pun lom ag neh
apekah apekah???!!
dr bogor naik bus damri stright to bandara soekarno hatta jakarta
and will take more or less than 2hours
now kol 1248pm da
kol 3 gerak ke tempat bus damri sempat kot ek????

ps: apa dengan 3days to go? will tell u later lah ek! bile da settle sumenye!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

single pink love...

dear lifeylife...

mahu cake seperti ini untuk hari tersebut!
ayuh berangan!

source: here

Saturday, September 4, 2010

sleep baby sleep...

dear lifeylife...

xsempat pape, sedar2 da nak dekat raya..
sibuk putting people to sleep bfore the surgeries..
being an anesthesiologist is rather cool but full of risk
i enjoyed it very much tho
walaupun oncall kadang tu selang sehari selama seminggu stright dan asek kene melepek kat icu yg bnyak nyamuk tu
saye tetap gumbire
kate mak, "ikhlas bantu org susah"
baik mak!!

semalam mase oncall, ade surgery cito
mule2 katenye suspect acute appendisitis pada a 3months pregnant woman
rupe2nye bukan acute appendisitis namun ectopic pregnancy pada the mommy's right fallopian tube...
everything went well
we put her under regional anesthetic tru subarachnoid space injection in between lumbal 4 and lumbal 5...
everything went well... very well indeed...
pastu dr samad(the operator) keluarkan that lil' fella!
the foetus was more or less 8cm long..
he was still moving! i saw his legs kicking!
and i saw his chest pumping...
then he stopped n never move again...

then akhirnye when the surgery ended
we took the mother to the recovery room
she asked for her foetus
the dad da amik da the foetus
he even took a picture of it before we put it into a container and give it to the family..
then we asked her whether she wants to see the picture of it
then die geleng at the same time air mata die menitis
aduh.. sedih nyee..

this is that lil' strong fella. we took a picture of it because it's very rare utk dpt keluarkan foetus secara whole mcm ni
it's an amazing experience for me...
dont worry baby.. be strong...
u'll be playing the the heaven in no time
wait for ur mommy there ok baby?

ok nak g nanges skarang!

ps: yaAllah, jauhkan lah dari hal2 sedemikian terjadi kepadaku, keluargaku dan teman2ku... amin...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

tom kha gai

dear lifeylife...

smlm g TA
sbb atm card kene telan atas kecuaian yours truly
then singgah wet mart jap nak beli barang dapur
berminggu2 dok makan luar je tringin la nak makan masakan snirik plak
so beli la ape yg patut dan yang tak patut jugak
pastu jenjalan kt bagian seafood tu, ternampak la beberapa longgok siput sedut
wah! lama da tak makan masak lemak cili api siput sedut
beli la selonggok
kate org tu, siput tu idop ag
i ia kan aje
sbb selama ni xpernah pulak beli snirik siput sedut tu
salunye org lain yg akan bersihkan and sediakan siput sedut tu
ok fine
balik umah, kuarkan mereka dr plastik
ayooo! semacam jek bau?
adekah mereka da mati??
pastu mule memotong ujung siput sedut tu
makin menjadi2 lak bau die
haish xle jadi ni
kne call nenek tnye
adekah mmg patutnye bau mereka mcm tu
nenek ckp kalo da bau busuk sngat, ada yg da mati la tuuu!
kene buang!
ooooemmmmgiii!!! kempunannyeee!!

so takpe!
teguhkan minda
potong2 ayam!
kite wat tom ka!!
paste da ade da
credit to incik khar
senang cite
tinggal tumis2 skit bior sedap

tak payah cite panjang2 le ek
nengok gambar je sudah cukup menceritakan keenakkan tom ka ini

sayur campur: taugeh, carrot, brokoli and cendawan putih
tom ka ayam
close up skeeettt
kasik liur meleleh!

ini la paste tersebut
imported from thailand

harga 2.90 euro!
belikat asia markt
.::.markt kene sebut leklok! sebutannye adelah mak dan bukannye mat!! huh!
.:::. sessi tangkap gambar kat balcony bilek sbb nak pencahayaan yg lebih best. sekian terima kasih!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

say hello to number 24!

dear lifeylife...

jam 330pm
masih di RSUP Fatma
baru lepas assist FESS(functional endoscopic sinus surgery) kat operation theatre RSUP Fatmawati
the phone rang...
man: mbak, alamatnya di mana? mau delivery bunga...
me: eerrr?**bluurr sbb tatau bunge ape yg dimaksudkan**
man: alamatnya mbak?
me: tawakal 4A, no **, eerrr... tp aku ga ada di rumah. titip aja ke mbak ya..
man: ok..

jam 400pm
dalam bus masih di area fatma
again the phone rang...
khar: hye u!!!(suara ceria n excited). u da kat bilik ke u?
me: blom, ni still lam bus br nak gerak.
khar: aik?(suara bertukar cemas) eh ok la u! i need to call someone!!
me: xpayah! pakcik tu da call i da tnye alamat. i da suh die pas kat mbak i da....
khar: eerrr?? ape yg u ckp ni?!(berusaha wat gegaye innocent)
me: xpayah purak2 tatau la u! i da tau da pasal bunge tu! hahahahhah! kantoi! hahahhaha!

len kali, kalo nak wat surprise, pesan kat pakcik tu bnyak2 kali jgn call i tnye alamat! kahkahkah! kan da kantoi! miahahhahahha~

.::. again, thnx a lot u for the roses and the choc. i love it so much!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


dear lifeylife...

oh hari ni da 18/7 ke?
esok da 19/7?
time does fly, does it not?

Friday, July 9, 2010

mabuk mabukan...

dear lifeylife...

smalam i mabuk2an
bukan mabuk alkohol ye kawan2
saye mabok darah
padahal sebelum ni mngadap darah membuak2 okey je
smalam je tatau y
maybe sbb kepenatan, n perut kosong, n otak bercelaru
kepale pun mula la ting tong
patient post operation dalam hidung datang nak bukak tampon hidung die(lupe the exact op)
1st tgok pakcik tu da trase lemah smangat
jantung da pumping very2 hard
i ckp kat kawan i kt sebelah, "eh rase mcm lemah semangat semacam je la this time"..
tp takle nak wat pe la kan..
ini experience, takkan nak lepas kan mcm tu je kan? so i hadap la jugak
mule2 keluarkan kan tampon dari hidung, ok rileks2.. hidung kanan dulu... ok hidung kiri plak... i masih mampu bertahan... wat muke macho, konon hati kering, walau muka da mulai pucat..
pakcik tu tgok i, i masih mampu senyum kat die
mata pak cik tu dah merah berair menahan sakit
dokter konsulen tu tnye kat pakcik tu, "sakit ya pak?", ah soklan bodoh, mesti la sakit, takkan sedap plak dah berdarah2 mcm tu kan? hahahhah~
ok fine, he's just trying to make up a light conversation
pakcik tu plak jawab, "ga sakit doc, cuman pedes(pedas) doang",
sampai sekarang i still memikirkan ape maksud pak cik tu.. huhu~

then masukkan endoscope dalam hidung die, used the suction to suck all the blood and lendir sume, luka kena dibersihkan, baru la dpt tgok macam mana bekas op tu..
kepala i da mula rasa high semacam... tahan awa! tahan!!
i tgok botol suction tu... penuh dgan darah...
kejap tgok muke pakcik tu berkerut2 menahan sakit pedes, kejap tgok skrin tv...
eeehhh!! tetibe rase gelap!!
huh! ingatkan tough sangat la. padahal hampeh jugak!

.::. 2 case berturut2, dan harus juga masuk operation theatre. balik kije je da kepenatan lantas trus tidur layaknya sleeping beauty. isnin ni ade pretest kowt. kapan belajarnya ni tante??

Thursday, July 1, 2010

love them both!

dear lifeylife.....

oh i am craaaaazy bout both of them!

**the pinky cookie and the purple berry**

.::. thnx incik KHAR for both of them! =)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


dear lifeylife....

life isnt always that beautiful
so remember one thing
never lose hope coz Allah is always by ur side

to incik Khar
belajar rerajin esp for ur coming exam k!
inshaAllah, Dia akn bantu if kite ikhlas

take care...

.::.Ya Allah , Guide my steps don’t let me go astray.....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

makeup not war!!

dear lifeylife.....

ikan bawal 3 rasa

asparagus the exotic vegetable and turkey on a stick

makeup not war

Sunday, June 13, 2010

minggu memasak...

dear lifeylife....

minggu ni adelah minggu memasak
less writing more pictures!

nasi goreng kampung with anchovies

dah lama tringin nak makan banana pancake
minggu lepas lagi dah beli the bananas simpan lam fridge
bile die da overly ripe baru lah sedap nak wat pancake
the bananas were so sweet wat fruit syrup tu pun xperlu nak tambah gula lagi dah

banana pancake, honey and fruit syrup(banana+strawberry jam)

kat supermarket ade jual instant bumbu rujak
so easy peasy lemon squeezy lah kan?
add up a little bit here and there then humban masuk microwave!

grilled chicken bumbu rujak
auli and i tetibe tringin nak makan chicken chop
so ape lagi, pakai apron, sinsing lengan baju dan mule la berkerja!
debone chicken thigh senirik wooo!

grilled chicken chop eaten with black pepper mushroom gravy,
mashed potatoes and coleslaw
sbb gravy smalam masih berbaki,
today for lunch

deep fried chicken chop with vagees

.::. ape lah yg ade lam kepale incik KHAR ni? berbelit berputar berpusing2.. pening kpale tgok! haha~

Friday, June 11, 2010

Installing a Husband

dear lifeylife...

cuti skolah ni ramai betol yg mendirikan rumah tangga lah bertunang lah
happy nyee tgok diorng
tahniah lah utk semua
however, i found this rather klakar surat Q&A kat sini
gelak guling2~

Installing a husband

Dear Tech Support,

Last year, I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as

Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as

NBA 5.0,

NFL 3.0 and

Golf Clubs 4.1.

Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and HouseCleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.

Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?



Baca artikel ini sepenuhnya untuk tahu apa jawapannya


First, keep in mind,

Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.

Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme.HTML, try to download Tears 6.2, and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update.

If those applications work as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0, or Beer 6.1.

Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta.

Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.)

In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. This is an unsupported application and will crash Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7.

Good Luck!

Tech Support