dear lifeylife....
mnggu lepas starting isnin, kanak2 skolah menengah kat sini kelam kabut berexam Ujian Nasional
tu lebih kurang sama ngan SPM kita.
and hari sebelum tu, kat TV, they were showing persediaan kanak2 skolah tu utk menghadapi their big important exam
hal2 yang biasa kite buat masa SPM dulu seperti study group, stay up, solat hajat and for the hindus, g candi utk doa kat diorng nye god, and macam2 lagi la.
what caught my eyes baru2 ni, bila masuk lam berita, kanak2 skolah ni membanjiri makam Gus Dur utk 'berdoa' because it's a 'makam penuh berkah'???? and ade yg berpusu2 tolak menolak utk minum air suci yg dibaca oleh ntah sape ntah? Astaghfirullahaladzim. kenapa la kene amalkan hal2 syirik mcm tu?? siap masuk tv bagai ag. arent they ashamed of themselves? aneh la manusia ni....
here in indonesia, hal2 aneh mmg slalu diorng amalkan.
before this, pernah ade dalam tv, sorang anak kecik named Ponari, umo 7 tahun kot, kene sambar petir ke ape ntah, then after that, a stone(batu) followed him home, and akhirnye tb2 berpusu2 manusia(we are talking bout thousands of people) membanjiri kawasan rumah dat boy untuk disembuhkan penyakit. and let me tell u how they did it, the people yg datang to his house, berpusu2 menghampiri Ponari with a container of water, then Ponari will put his hand holding the stone into the container of water, and the water will be drank by those people, and it'll cure any diseases they have. how ridiculous is that? not to mention the stone itself is not clean and Ponari's hand also might not be cleaned as well. most importantly, how can a mere stone cure any disease?

awa, my mun said, org dulu2 mmg kate ade batu petir n mujarab utk ubat2. hmm klu gitu takyah doktor la kan, sbb ade batu mujarab. n smue org wish kne panah petir~ adekah begitu????... hahaha..
rupenya de lg bnde yg mcm tu..
i think kt mesia pon de..cume kt je yg xnmpak..hurmm...
smgt gla mereka smpi masok tv owh..haish..akak ingat tuhan ye..=)
hani: entah la. tak pernah pulak dgr cite pasal batu petir mujarab mcm tu. hehehe~ just takut kan, sbb tu adelah mende. takut kite meletakkan harapan pada object lain selain Allah. adekah tu tipu helah syaitan nak sesatkan kite ar? wallahhualam...
adreyna: well at least kat mlysia kurang skit kot dr sini. sini terang2an kot. siap masuk tv. n dukun2 ni sume mmg biase je la. kadang patients dtg kat kitorng da terok sbb g jumpe dukun main kemenyan2 dulu.for instance kan, ade sorng minah ni, breast cancer, dtg to the hospital time breast die da mmbusuk dah. and u know why? g dukun dulu sbb kononnye dukun tu hebat leh cure anything... ms dtg to the hospital, die da stage 4, the end of the road.. sedih sngat kan?
ain: tu la ain. salu la istigfar bnyak2. hope that He will always guide my way, and urs too. amin.
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